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Every project we do comes with a minimum 2 year warranty. We've been in business serving the Rhode Island community with pride since 1997.
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Why us?
We have the integrity and experience to make the difference and stand out from the competition.
Professional Services
Professional Services
From concept to completion we provide professional contracting services to insure that your project is completed on time and on budget.
Our detailed workmanship along with our team's experienced knowledge of the industry makes the difference with our companies' services for your project.
Professional Results
Professional Results
See why thousands of New Englanders have trusted Ark Home Improvement with their projects. We have award winning services and extended warranties to make a difference for our customers.
Do it right the first time!
Serving RI since 1997
Serving Rhode Island Since 1997
We have over 21 years of experience (when Good Will Hunting was in movie theatres) building Ark to provide high quality workmanship, customer satisfaction and the expertise to get the job done!
Like a well built home Ark Home Improvement has withstood the test of time.